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A Guide to Reopening Your Business

As many businesses are preparing to reopening their doors, both business owners and the community are learning to adapt. Patience and compassion are essential! Look Local First has made a Guide to Reopening Your Business that will help you navigate reopening!

  1. Communication is a must!
    • Communication among your employees, customers and partners is imperative! Make sure to thoroughly explain the details of the changes (whether it is new guidelines or practices).
    • Utilize your social media platforms frequently to inform customers of updates. Customer confidence will play a big role in them returning to shop at their favorite local spots. Informing them of your business practices will ease this transition.
    • Place signage in key places around your store to guide customers.
    • Communicate with your partners/venders on how you can work together as you reopen your doors. Make a flexible plan and notify them of any changes/accommodations you need.


  1. Stay Up to Date with Practices and Guidelines in Your Community
There is an overwhelming amount of information out there. We have compiled a list of the most reliable resources to find the best guidance while reopening your business:


    Things are not going to be perfect on day one, and that is OKAY! Be patient with your staff, suppliers and customers. Mistakes are going to happen as you learn to reopen and adapt to a new normal. Just make sure to reproof and correct.
      • Gauge the community’s response to your changes. It is important to listen to your customer/employee comments and suggestions to ensure the best possible environment.
      • Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. Social media or email polls are a great way to learn what your customers want from you. Unsure of how to make accommodations or what items to offer on your new menu? ASK!
      • Start paying closer attention to your business analytics. This will give you a better idea of what is working and what is not. Numbers most likely won’t bounce back overnight, but it is important to keep note of the growth for things such as budgeting.


     4. Make a Plan for Growth

    Important things to take into consideration as you reopen:

      • Your budget
      • Your partners/vendors
      • The layout of your business space
      • Your product/service offering
      • Methods of Communication


    Reopening your business is an exciting but challenging task. Above all, be sure to show patience and compassion to your coworkers, customers and other businesses as we are all learning! We hope that the resources above can help you make an informed plan while opening your doors. Look Local First is a space for small business owners and their supporters. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any tips! 



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