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Ten Instagram Post Ideas for Small Business Owners to Gain Loyal Customers

Social Media is a great way for customers to get to know your company and its culture. In today’s age, most people have at least one form of social media- so why not use that as free advertisement!

 On Instagram you have the ability to be creative and unique, so here are ten ideas on how to gain traction with your customers using Instagram posts-

 1. Give a shout out to a coworker!

Introduce some of the people who work hard for your business and share things that you appreciate about them to allow your customers to feel a part of the family.

2. Run a contest or giveaway!

Generate excitement about your products and services by a little competition. Everyone loves free stuff, so create a contest! An example would be to have a tag-a-friend contest; ask users to tag their friends in the comments of you post for a chance to win a prize! This allows you to expose your brand to people who may not have heard of you before.

3. Show a sneak peek!

If you have new products/services coming out soon give your audience a preview, so you can generate excitement.

 4. Behind-the-scenes post!

Show your customers how your business works! Restaurants could share a video of the cooks preparing a meal, retail could show off new items coming in, hair salon could post before and after photos of clients.

5. Collab with another business you admire!

Small business owners support small business owners! If you know another local business owner, you should do a collaboration with them to help promote each other’s products/services. 

6. View of your workspace!

During this pandemic a lot of people’s workspace has changed or altered. Show your customers how you have been working through these tough times.

7. Announcements!

Always keep your customers up to date on what is going on surrounding your business. Especially in times of change- make sure to alert to changes in business hours, ability to be in-door or out-door etc.

8. Tips & Tricks!

As a business owner- you are the expert! Share some insights on your industry that will allow your customers to connect with the business on a deeper level.

9. Throwback!

It took blood, sweat and tears to build the business of your dreams; always remember what and who got you there. Make a post going back to the beginning stages of your adventure and appreciate what you went through to get to your success.

10. Introduce yourself!

Customers buy-in more to a company that they feel a part of, so you should always tell your story. Express the idea behind your business and what it took to build that dream.

Instagram is a great platform to engage followers and gain a loyal customer base. Feel free to use these ideas for you small business and build success with your social media presence!


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