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5 Simple Changes That Will Make Your Instagram Thrive

    Instagram has over 1 BILLION monthly active users! As a business owner, you need to be taking advantage of the reach you can have on Instagram. But where do you start? There are 5 easy changes you can make to organically grow your business on Instagram without spending the marketing dollars! 
    1. Create Posts That Cultivate Engagement:
      • There is a reason we call it social media! It is a space for you to directly interact with your current, and potential customers. Asking questions in your posts will allow you to be in tune with your customers’ needs and give them a voice to get involved and connected with your brand. For example, captioning a post, “Be the buyer, would you buy shirt 1 or 2? ”or “Comment your favorite fall shoe trend below!” gets you one step closer to knowing your customer. The Instagram algorithm also picks up on posts with high engagement and features them higher in followers’ feeds.
    1.  Utilize Popular Hashtags:
      • Take a look at what other businesses in your industry are using. Once you click on a hashtag, it will show you what other related hashtags are most popular. The more popular the hashtag, the higher chance you have of showing up in peoples feeds.
    1. Respond to EVERY SINGLE COMMENT:
      • Whether it is a like or a comment – be sure to respond! Like their comment or craft a response that is authentic. This will help you stick out from other businesses and cultivate relationships with customers.


    1. Make Sure Your Bio is Complete:
      • Your bio is your first opportunity to introduce yourself! You should show what you do, add call to action and provide away for people to contact you.


    1. Consistency is Key:
      • Consistency influences the way people feel about your brand. It is so important to develop brand guidelines, so your business is clear in peoples’ minds. Simple things like using the same font, colors, filters, hashtags and messaging can help achieve this. Being consistent in the time, amount and responsiveness of your posting also does not do unnoticed by customers. This consistency should also transfer offline, into the way you interact with customers in real life to be cohesive across platforms.


    Look Local First is a voice for small businesses! If you have any blog suggestions or want to collab, please email 


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