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Branding For Your Small Business


The first thought for many people when they hear the word branding is logos, apps, websites, or expensive marketing materials. But I have a secret for you, although those things are important, they are not what makes your brand. When you are branding your business you are creating the energy, feeling, and impact of your business. The fact is, if you’ve already generated loyal customers then you are already branding your business- now you need to make sure you are branding with intention!


What does Branding do for your Small Business?


Let people know what to except

Having a presence on social media and sharing simple aspects about your business, for example your atmosphere/menu specials/new products etc. can be a huge driver in grabbing attention from potential new customers. By doing this you build anticipation for customers to come and see your business!


Interest new potential employees

When people are job hunting, one thing they most likely do is check out the business online! By branding your business online, potential new hires can imagine exactly what it would be like to work for you before they even interview for the job!


Providing evidence for why you are the best choice for your customer

Being able to see content consistently from your brand will make you memorable to a customer, and provides a solid reason to choose your business over another when they are searching for something!


Make your business know, trusted and admired

When you build a brand for your business and customers follow it, they feel a part of the brand. They are able to stay up-to-date with your business and feel special knowing all the news first!


Creates talk about your business

This one is especially important for a business that has not opened yet! Building a brand for your business builds excitement. By having a brand you let customers get to know your business before they even walk through the door!


Have potential customers recognize you

When your brand is clear online you open your business up to opportunities of being recognized by customers who have not been to your business, but have been interested in it!


Elements of Building your Brand!

 1Know your Ideal Customer

A great resource for this is creating buyer personas, which is a detailed description of a person who would represent your target customer. This allows you to clearly see what your customer would be interested in, where their pain points would be, and the aspects of your product/service that would be most important to them!

 2Be Unique

One of the least effective things a business can do with their brand is try to follow a trend. Do not try to copy another brand, because when you are unique you are remembered.

3Treat your Brand like a Real Person

Imagine your brand and business as an actual person. What type of person would your ideal customer get along with, and does that fit your brand? Your brand should resemble a personality.

4. Set Goals

Never be fully content with your brand. Always seek out new ways to promote and better your brand for your customers.

 5Be Consistent

Your logo should be on EVERYTHING you put out, consistency is key to customers recognizing your brand and retention of current customer base!

 6Have Branding Guidelines

Creating branding guidelines is a great way to be consistent also, this helps your content creation for your brand run smoothly! Some websites/software even allow you to build and save your guidelines for every use!

 7Create an Experience you would want for your Client

Branding is how you create positive feelings that customers associate with your business, so make sure you are consistently creating an experience that you would want for your customer!

 8Know your Why

Every owner has a reason they opened their business. You should always remember your why, because that will help your brand stay genuine throughout the entire lifetime of your business!


Every small business needs branding to be successful, but do you need to break the bank over it? - of course not! Creating accounts on different social media platforms is completely free and a great way to express your brand to your customers! Your brand is what feelings your audience associates with your business, so make sure to be branding with intention to attract a loyal customer base!

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